Hi folks, well I'm back from my weekend jaunt to Alexandra Palace at the weekend. I stayed overnight on Saturday with two of my CSQ buddies, Jo and Elaine. We rarely see each other, so this was a real treat for us. It was just a shame that the other part of the quartet, Lesley, couldn't make it to be with us :(
On Saturday, we spent the day mostly shopping, meeting a few of our friends from the Chocolate Baroque Guild and stopping for tea breaks. On Sunday, we managed to watch more demonstrations, which was great, as we picked up some great tips, especially from one of our crafting friends Linda Brown from LB Crafts. She was demoing Pan Pastels, which I have had my eye on for a little while. I am itching to have a go with some of these now!
In the afternoon, sadly, it was time to say goodbye to each other, and for Elaine and I particularly, knowing that we wouldn't see each other for several months now, it's always quite hard. We formed our other Blog as a means of crafting together, but our busy lives mean that it has been a bit neglected lately.
Now, onto the subject of my Forgotten Friday canvas. My OH very kindly drew a name out of the hat, or paper bag in this case! It was my namesake Judith. I have emailed Judith to let her know, so the canvas will be winging its way to her once I have her snailmail address. Sorry folks to those of you who missed out on this occasion. However, I know that I will be in this position on another occasion, so keep your eyes out for more projects that I will be offering out in the future.
Thanks for stopping by today, xx

It sounds as if you had a good time at Ally Pally and I'm sure it was good to meet up with your crafting friends even if it wasn't for long. Congratulations to the winner of your lovely work.
Great that you had a good time to Alexandra Palace and meet your crafting friends.
Congrats to the winner of your artwork.
Lovely greet
Itt was great to meet you and the others at Ally Pally Judith and pleased you had a great time.
Congratulations to Judith being the lucky recipient of your giveaway.
So pleased you had a great visit to Ally Pally, it's worth it just to see Lyn from LB demonstrating. She is so amazing.
What a lovely idea to finish your canvas for a giveaway, you made a lovely job of it Judith.
How are the chucks doing?
Lynn xxx
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