Hello everyone, life of late has been very busy, rushing about here, there, and everywhere, and although I am technically a 'lady of leisure', I find myself very occupied with lots of different things that need to be done. I do not have time to blog as much as I would like, and with this in mind, I have decided to make time for a weekly post of photographs relating to what has been going on in my life. It will be, I'm afraid to say, mostly crafting, cats and garden related, because they are the things that interest me. However, the changing seasons in the garden never fail to captivate me, and I hope that you will enjoy the journey through my garden as well.
I saw the idea for weekly stills on A little Woolie who links to another blog where she in turn saw the idea, The Beetle Shack. I do think that it is a lovely idea, and will add some balance to my blog which has become very stilted of late. I do have plans for more adventures, so keep watching!
Anyway, my photos reflect a little bit of travelling that I did this week, with a crafty play session combined, a wander around my garden to find some odd bits of colour still popping up, and of course, my beautiful furry companions, Poppy, Cody and Bella.
I cannot get used to these early evenings, or the cold snap that we are now having after the mild weather. I am starting to get a little bit of arthritis in my hands, so the wrist warmers are out again. My fingers always look fat in photographs, but at least my nails are colour co-ordinated!
I'll be back next week with another slice of life, take care and keep warm. Thanks for stopping by, xx

I thoroughly enjoyed your photos - the wrist warmers look brilliant with the nail varnish, I think my favourites are Bella in the box & that superb one with a few leaves over the frosted hedge (??) in your garden.
Paula (PEP)
Super pics and I especially love your kitty in the box. We haven't had any hard frost yet but it has definitely dropped quite a few degrees this week. I love my pulse heiss, given to me by a Swiss friend. Alia my wrist warmers. So much better than gloves.
Jo x
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