Hi folks, it's Wednesday again, and time for a nosey around Blogland to see what's on everyone's desks. If you're wondering what I'm on about, then head over to
Julia's place to check it out. I'm sorry that I didn't make it to many desks this week, but I was busy creating things, and had to keep my head down somewhat. Say no more. I've finished what I needed to make, and my time is a little bit easier this week. I've been working as an invigilator too. My Mother-in-law thinks I'm a vigilante, as she can't say invigilator. It's quite a mental picture, to imagine walking around the exam room with a lassoo and a cowboy hat, keeping the teenagers in order!

Anyway, onto what's on my desk this week. I've been working on a masterboard based on the project in this month's Craft Stamper by Linda Elbourne with my card class. We've made a piece of A3, so that hopefully we can make a couple of projects. The class made some lovely sheets last week, and this week, I'll get them to make some cards with them. I didn't have the exact set that Linda used, but liked them so much, that I ordered them, and they've arrived. So, I'm going to have a play with them, time permitting, and make another colour way up. I also got a set of the Hot Picks words, as I really like those. Once I've made my samples, I'll blog them, promise!

Sorry for the quality of the second photo, but I took them last night, so that I could post nice and early this morning before I took off for the day. Also on my desk is a lovely book from Paperchase, covered in black felt, with an embroidered butterfly on the front. This is my ideas book. It is very tactile, and I love it. I have a bit of a felt thing going on at the moment, I bought a kit just before Christmas, and want to have a go at making felt from scratch. I'm even thinking of going on a course, because I really love the stuff! My Daughter thinks I'm mad, (I probably am). There are also two little chipboard trees beside my craft mat, I have a lovely project in mind for these, and want to get on with that this week. I also have my Bah Humbug card to make, hence the little pile of bits to the left.
Just by my computer is a set of Elusive Images stamps, 'Weekend in Venice', I am offering these to anyone who doesn't have them, and would like them. No strings attached. Just leave a comment on the relevant post, dated Friday 21st January, and I'll put you in the random generator thingy. You DO NOT need to be a follower, or jump through hoops.
I hope you're all having a great day, thanks for stopping by, Judith xx